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Medical & Personal

Medical Leaves

For a member to go on medical leave/reduce their timetable due to medical, or to have missed days documented due to medical, they need to have their physician/medical practitioner complete the abilities form (AF).  The form needs to be submitted to HR, the instructions and where to send it are on the form.  Once the board receives and processes it, you will be contacted by an HR Abilities Specialist.  This can take many days depending on how busy they are, up to 10 to 12 working days.  Keep an eye on your board email for their response.

Members are strongly advised to send the form to the board themselves.  Often doctors’ offices forget to send it in, delaying everything.  Members should always keep a copy of all paperwork.

The board will then confirm if your leave is approved, or if they need more info.

Who Can Sign Off On An AF?

The board will accept AFs completed by

  • A Family Doctor
  • A Specialist
  • A Psychologist
  • A Psychotherapist
  • An Optometrist
  • A Chiropractor
  • A Physiotherapist
  • A Midwife for Pregnancy Complications
  • A Nurse Practitioner
It has to be within their scope of practice.  For example, they will not accept an AF with cognitive restrictions from an Optometrist or an AF with physical restrictions from a psychologist. Members need to monitor their board assigned email at all times while on a medical leave.  HR will ask for updated medical generally every 4 to 6 weeks.  If a member does not submit updated medical within the timelines, access to paid sick days may be eliminated.

Personal Leaves

Requests for a leave of absence, including the reason for requesting the leave, should be submitted, in writing, to the Manager of Human Resources prior to February 28th for leaves starting in September, and before November 30th for leaves starting for Semester two. Requests received after this date due to extenuating circumstances will be considered on an individual basis.